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Rollup Banner: Miniserver

Rollup Banner: Miniserver

Rollup Banner: Miniserver

Item no.: 100352

The Loxone Rollup banner is ideal for displaying in a show space, at an exhibition, or at a trade fair.

  • With inbuilt stand
  • Includes convenient carry bag
  • Width: 80cm
  • Height: 200cm
€ 113

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درخواست مشاوره



The Loxone Rollup banner is ideal for displaying in a show space, at an exhibition, or at a trade fair. The single-unit stand and banner design, and the supplied carry bag make for easy storing and transporting. To erect, simply fold out the inbuilt foot from the stand, pull the graphic out of the base and attaching the supplied extendable rod (included).

Technical Details
  • Dimensions: approximately 80cm x 200cm
What’s in the box?
  • 1x Rollup inkl. Aufsteller
  • 1x Tragetasche


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