Easy integration thanks to Tree technology
Connecting the device – Start Tree Search – Read Values.
The values to be read out are integrated directly into the various meter function blocks. Additional data can be easily selected as usual – prepared in the right unit.
No need to sift through registration numbers or logs thanks to Tree technology.
Energy & more
- Phase to Neutral Volts
- Current
- Active Power
- Meter Reading Consumption
- Meter Reading Delivery
- Apparent Power
- Reactive Power
- Meter Reading Reactive Power Consumption
- Meter Reading Reactive Power Delivery
- Power Factor
- Phase Angle
- Frequency
Seconds instead of months
Track your consumption every second, instead of just your monthly bill, and identify your power guzzlers and standby consumption at a glance.
With Loxone, you can become an energy-saving professional in just three steps!
- Recording and visualization of energy flows
- Reduction of base power consumption
- Shifting energy consumption to convenient hours
Energy monitoring you can count on.
Helps to record and raise awareness of consumption in the building. Integrate your meters into the Energy Flow Monitor
Targeted Optimization: Taking Aim Instead of Waiting
Live values and the ability to notify when certain thresholds have been reached.
Example – 15 minutes measurement:
Automated load shedding or reduction of negligible consumers such as the e-car if your consumption of the billable 15 minutes would be exceeded, with the Peak Load Manager.
100566 Energy Meter 1-Phase Tree
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1x Meter 1-Phase
2x Sealable cover
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